Ascension Research Center is an independent student research project on the Ascended Master Teachings regarding the Presence of God, the GREAT "I AM". The Ascended Masters have revealed that God is both Universal and Individual. God is UNIVERSAL as the All-Pervading Presence of THE ONE and THE GOOD; and God is INDIVIDUALIZED as the I AM Presence that has embodied on this Earth as you and all other men, women, and children. Hopefully through this web site more individuals on our planet will take the Opportunity to know of the Limitless Love, Wisdom, and Power extended to us by God's Ascended Sons and Daughters of Light, and to reacquaint themselves with their own God Presence - their own Immortal and Divine Identity - Unique yet ever One with THE ONE - and an undetached part of the Allness of God. Each can affirm "I AM THAT I AM" with the absolute conviction of their own Higher Self and Highest Reality. You no longer need to accept the illusion that you are a separate self apart from God. Now is the time to remember your own True Immortal Identity as the Individualized I AM Presence.
The intent of the Ascension Research Center is to stimulate interest in the true Teachings of Jesus Christ and our Ascended Brothers and Sisters concerning the Violet Flame, the Ascension, the Individualized God Presence, and each one's Higher Mental Body (or Pure Christ Mind). We look forward to the day when the entire world will know of the Fiery Christ Truth given to mankind by Ascended Master Saint Germain, Jesus Christ, Godfre and Lotus, Maitreya, Morya and so many other Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, and Angelic Hosts of Heaven! If you sense an Inner Response of your Heart Flame to something you read here, hopefully you will then follow up by studying and applying the Teachings and Instruction of the Ascended Masters, fullfilling your Divine Plan and Victoriously Raising into your Ascension!
Please help us keep Ascension Research going by donating to our non-profit by clicking here.
"All truth passes through three stages:
first, it is ridiculed;
next it is violently attacked;
finally, it is held to be self-evident."-- Schopenhauer
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Copyright © 2014 by Ascension Research Center - with the exception of credited quotations. Ascension Research Center is run and maintained by students of the Ascended Masters, and is not sponsored by any organization. Third party material used on this website is quoted for the purposes of scholarship and research from sources which are either in the public domain, or within the bounds of fair use. Disclaimer: This website has not been endorsed by any author or copyright holder of the works discussed. No connection is implied nor should be inferred.