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The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth.
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The Light You Call Forth Knows No Opposition
" . . . Let Me say to you tonight, there is not one thing in human creation over which the Light does not have Dominion. Now please remember These Words! You have often been told that the Light you call forth knows no opposition, knows no interference. It is absolutely true, but do you realize the very Life which beats your heart is the Dominion of the earth? When you learn to give complete obedience to the Law of Harmony, then as you make your calls to the Presence of Light, not even the greatest power of so-called evil in the octave of earth, even attempts to resist the Power of Light.
"I do trust you will all remember that, in every particle of the slightest application which you make, for if you remember and feel it sufficiently, you cannot help but see that this Power you have called forth is the Dominion in all you wish to accomplish. There is no human creation, nor concentrated force of darkness that even makes an attempt to interfere with It. Then do you not see that even now, tonight, you have dominion over your world? If it does not seem to be so, it is only because you have not yet acquired the full feeling of the Dominion of Light which beats your heart. Try to feel it.
"Oh as you observe the Chart, you must realize that it is accurate, a perfect eye-picture of your position to your own God Presence. Its Light is Life Eternal-forever expanding Itself on earth through Its Individualized Self. You think you are individuals, personalities, human beings. Perhaps all that is true, but what about the Life which is the Dominion of the Universe? It is you.
"You are considering your garment, which seems to be limited, yet it is not. Please do not give power to your garment. Your old suit of clothes gentlemen and ladies, the garments that you no longer wish to use, you cast aside. The garment of flesh which you are wearing, of itself is no more important without Life, than the discarded garment. That is positive and certain.
"When you consider that in every cell of your body there is a Point of the Great Light which is the Power of the Universe, then how can one longer feel he is limited? It is because people have not given sufficient consideration to those Points of Light which are the pattern of the human form and hold the atomic structure together.
"I feel definitely that you are at a point in the expansion of your Light where you can comprehend the fullness of this. While it is quite simple, yet it goes to the very depths of your Life and Being. The Light which actually this moment is beating your physical heart is the Life, the conquering Presence of the Highest Spheres in the Universe. . . . "
Beloved Goddess of Peace
through the Messenger, Guy Warren Ballard, May 19, 1938, New York, New York U.S.A. (6)
The Divine Plan of Establishing Peace
" . . . Beloved Ones of the planet Earth, as Saint Germain has so often told you, only by pursuing the Way of your own Divine Self can you ever find and know true Peace. Myriad notions have entered and do enter men's consciousness and as they follow each one to its ultimate end, they find that it did not provide one iota of permanent Happiness. Life can become a bottomless pit of seeking where lesser goals are sought and attained, sometimes to the soul's own hurt. But, by calling forth Ideals of Peace from the Heart of the Prince of Peace, and by calling for the Rule of Heaven's Peace to hold sway over the entire Earth, Man fulfills the larger goals of the Great Divine Plan and satisfies thereby his daily requirements of ordered service, brotherly love, and individual unfoldment.
"The 'raging' of heathen energies is always a vain thing and is related to factors of speculation and imagination. Long ago in Egypt, when Joseph, the Son of Jacob, was a friend to the Pharaoh, he was known as a dreamer of dreams, and an interpreter of men's dreams. (Genesis 41) There are many methods whereby men seek to probe the past and to understand the handwriting on the wall of the present in order to predict the future, but there is never any mere imagination or speculation about the one, right Divine Way. Joseph, the beloved wearer of the coat of many colors, held his own attunement with God in such Purity and Peace that His works bore the fruit of Spiritual Blessing manifest within them.
" In order to free the planet Earth, which task seems Herculean at this hour, it shall be necessary to enlist the aid of every one who has some concept of the mighty work before Us and is willing to consecrate his Being to the Cause and Service of the Divine Plan of establishing Peace throughout the Earth. The high calling and the prize preclude petty dissension! . . . "
Beloved Goddess of Peace
through the Messenger, Mark Prophet, 1963 U.S.A. (4)
- "I AM" Ascended Master Dictation List (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995)
- Luk, A.D.K. The Law of Life: Book II, (Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications, 1989)
- Schroeder, Werner Ascended Masters and Their Retreats Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004 Goddess of Peace, 1963, Pearls of Wisdom®, Volume 6 Number 32 (The Summit Lighthouse, 1963) Copyright © 1998 Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc.
- Prophet, Mark & Elizabeth; compiled by Annice Booth The Masters And Their Retreats (Montana: Summit University Press, 2003)
- Goddess of Peace, May 19, 1938 The Voice of the "I AM"®, (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc.), July 1938 © Copyright Saint Germain Foundation (click here to order)
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