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The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth.
A practical and comprehensive handbook for regular Pranic Healing practitioners using more specialized and more potent color prana for healing serious and complicated ailments. Introducing the Master Healing Technique, the Superhealing Technique and many more.
Learn to use Color Pranic Energies to produce very rapid healing of severe and difficult ailments. By using willpower and special visualization skills taught in this course, you can focus color energies to the receiver to produce accelerated healing. Most severe ailments necessitate the use of qualified Color Pranic Energies for better results. Learn Specialized techniques: To energize the Immune System through the Lymphatic System, Blood, Liver, Kidneys; Rapid Growth of Tissue; Cell Regeneration; Cleansing the Blood & Internal Organs; Reprogram the subconscious at the cellular, etheric, emotional, & mental levels; Learn never before revealed Pranic Healing techniques for: Cancer, HIV+, Diabetes, Leukemia, Kundalini Syndrome, and other severe cases.
- Advanced techniques using color prana or vibrations.
- Charging and enhancing the immune and defense system.
- Advanced energy treatments to clean the blood and internal organs.
- Advanced techniques to heal heart disease, hypertension, hypotension, blood disorders and even more serious cases such as cancer.
- Advanced techniques to disintegrate kidney/bladder stones.
- Rapid regeneration and instantaneous healing of fresh wounds.
- Master and Super Healing techniques to quickly boost vitality and strength and allow fast recovery of patients.
- Self-empowerment and enlightenment through "The Meditation on Twin Hearts" technique.
- Divine healing using invocative and spiritual energies.
- Advanced instructive healing to heal and reprogram the affected cells, tissues and organs.
Link to the Table of Contents of Advanced Pranic Healing
Link to article on "The Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing"
Link to the article on "Divine Healing"
Ascension Research Center is an independent student research project. At the bottom of every web page on our site, we make it clear that our web site is not associated with any organization, including any Pranic Healing institution or web site. For the convenience of students of the Healing Arts to be able to obtain information on Pranic Healing, we have provided this information. But we are not a Pranic Healing web site.
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