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The Word of the Ascended Masters is the ultimate Authority in any question relating to Truth.
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The Glorious Resonance of the Heart
" . . . The Heart has always been. The Heart will always be. But when the mind, the emotions, the unrest in the bodies determine to separate out from the glorious resonance of the Heart, it takes a more than ordinary adjustment by the Heart to awaken the outer mind, the outer feeling world to that which is the Purity of the Heart.
"This is where I, Krishna, enter with the Fires of my Heart, teaching you how to resurrect all latent energy within your being to rise into the vibration of the Heart, to allow for the Heart to rule, to accelerate your vibration into the Great Silence by your meditation upon the glorious Heart of God.
"How can you have the Heart fastened to this great and glorious Current of the Resurrection, so that it might expand and contract and then expand further, always returning to a higher vibration than heretofore expressed? With each expansion of the Flame, with the impulse of the Resurrection Fires, you have the expansion of the Threefold Flame. The Resurrection Fire not only will expand the other Flames of God within you, but also, likewise, will accelerate every cell of your being to spin with such acceleration as to bring about transmutation. When this occurs, you suddenly begin to express more of the Heart. And with the increased expression of the Heart, there is more acceleration by Resurrection’s Flame. And with more acceleration of Resurrection’s Flame, you have more expansion of the Heart. This, Beloved, is the path to your Ascension.
"The art of the expansion of the Threefold Flame is well known within our Sun System and as such is practiced by the smallest child even from birth on Earth. Because of the great momentum established through eons of time, the lifestream knows well how to place the attention of his or her mind into the focal point of the energy centers of the Crown, thereby creating a magnetic pull on the Flames of the Heart to accelerate, to expand, to allow for the natural unfolding of the Resurrection Current through the four lower bodies. . . . "
Beloved Lord Krishna
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, December 31, 2002, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. (9)
Krishna and Radha, The All-Attractive Couple © by Vishnu Dasa (click here to order)" . . . I call to all devotees of Light from around the world. Let there be the transmutation by Violet Flame of those elements that cause division rather than unification. Let there be a confluence of all souls of Light through the waters of the Ganges, through the waters of the Supreme Source of All Being. Let there be a confluence through the understanding of physical and metaphysical realities.
"Let not human doctrine or doctrines that have evolved in the turning of the ages to produce new understandings be a cause of separation of any. For Love is the bonding of Hearts. Love is the bonding of Hearts! How judgmental are those who are about to touch the Hem of the Garment of Christ the Lord, of Gautama Buddha, of Sanat Kumara. How judgmental are they of others who do not worship as they worship! In mainline religion, beloved, ritual has displaced the heart-to-heart contact; and sometimes [even when] that contact is [there, it is] emotional rather than spiritual. . . . "
Beloved Krishna
through the Messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, January 1, 1992, Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana U.S.A. (3)
" . . . I speak to you today of the burning Love for Resurrection’s Flame that must be engendered from your heart. Resurrection’s Flame must burn in every cell of your being. For each cell of the physical body contains increments of Light that must be released in a fiery, whirling spiral that rises, much like we have seen the whirling dervishes of old bring the cell structure up. We do not advocate this, but we do advocate the visualization of the movement of the cells. For in this spinning action, it will throw off the weight, the karma, the densities, and all manner of cloud that prevents the Light Of Resurrection’s Flame from being perceived by another cell. Each of the cells of your body, when they are able to reflect one to the other, Resurrection’s Flame, and burn as a glowing fire that stands upon the hillside, that Resurrection’s Fire will lead to the fullness of the Ascension’s Flame. But you cannot go through the transfiguration and the Resurrection of all that is necessary of the bodies without the very core of the cells responding to the fullness of that Fire.
"You will recognize how there are all manner of forces that would oppose the very release of that Fire in your world; that would try to distract and take your attention away from the release of that Fire. On the circumference of every point of Light is lesser Light, all the way to complete darkness and void of Light. And it is gradual. It is a stepping stone into outer darkness or toward pure Light. If the cells of your body are to contain Light, the attention to Light must be given. If the attention is toward any darkness, toward any of the shades of darkness, whatsoever, there will be the progressive depletion of the necessary Light of your being. If you are to understand the Fullness of the Mind of Christ, Resurrection’s Flame must begin to burn brightly. If you are to know the Fullness of God within you, Resurrection’s Flame must burn brightly. If you are to become a Whirling Star in the Ascension, Resurrection’s Flame must burn brightly. . . . "
Beloved Krishna
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, July 10, 1998, Chelsea, Vermont U.S.A. (6)
Krishna-Janmashtami, by Muralidhara Dasa © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International,Inc.
Lord Krsna Leaves the Planet, by Ramadasa-Abhirama Dasa © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International,Inc.
- Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago, Illinois: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 1988) Vol. 7, Page 111
- Luk, A.D.K. The Law of Life: Book II (Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications, 1989), pages 437-438
- Krishna, January 1, 1992, Pearls of Wisdom ®, Volume 35 Number 8 (The Summit Lighthouse, 1992), pages 82 - 83 Copyright © 1997 Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc.
- Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark L. Lords of the Seven Rays, (Livingston, Montana, Summit University Press: 1986), page 277
- Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark L. Saint Germain on Alchemy: For the Adept in the Aquarian Age, Second Edition, (Livingston, Montana: Summit University Press, 1986), pages 423 - 424
- Krishna, July 10, 1998 The Temple of The Presence®, Copyright © 1998 The Temple of The Presence,Inc.
- Vesta, 1956 The Bridge to Freedom Journal, The Bridge to Freedom (1956); reprinted by Ascended Master Teaching Foundation
- "Resurrection Temple" Supplement to Jan. 1954 Bridge to Freedom Journal
- Krishna, December 31, 2002 The Temple of The Presence®, Copyright © 2002 The Temple of The Presence,Inc. (Entire text of Beloved Krishna's Dictation)
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