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Lords of the Seven Rays

by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Lords of the Seven Rays book cover

The Lords of the Seven Rays invite one to journey to their etheric Retreats in order to learn from past lives. Application of the Violet Flame to past life memories can adjust them until balance is restored.

At a certain point in your spiritual awakening under one or more of the Lords of the Seven Rays, you may have revealed to you your past embodiments. When you have sufficiently prepared yourself for a psychological probe of past circumstances affecting current events in your life, the Master will lead you before the Cosmic Mirror in the Royal Teton Retreat. At first glance it looks like an ordinary motion picture screen. The Master selects certain records ~ taken from akasha which are also contained in the memory of the soul, and upon the Cosmic Mirror they come alive.

This is beyond 3-D - you are there! A portion of a past life, or more than one, passes before you, but you are a living part of this nonfiction play of light and darkness with shades of gray. A few segments a session are given, and you soon see the Wisdom of the Law that requires adjustment through your application of the Violet Flame to those scenes and memories until balance is restored.

Saint Germain shows you the original blueprint of your Divine Plan that was imprinted upon your etheric body when you were conceived in the Heart of God. Thus, you learn another reason for reviewing your past lives one by one: it is to determine what portion of that Plan you have outpictured to date and what portion you have not. And you face the future with a hope based on the scientific knowledge that in your hands, by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, lies the power to change.

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Great Central Sun Angels

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